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Power HR Expert - Emploi Tunisie | offres d'emploi tunisie

Proposée par: Power HR Expetr

Date de publication: 02-04-2012

Région: Baharaïn


Sales WOMAN Executive - Bahraïn

Réf° M077


You are required to assit the Sales & Marketing Manager in ensuring consistent usage of hotel facilities. You should impact potential customers with the hotel’s attributes, and follows up with clients to address any concerns or disappointment that occurred and maintains high levels of customer satisfaction.

The Sales Woman Executive works in conjunction with the Sales and Marketing Manager to maintain current client relationships and encourage repeat business. She is charged with attending and running events and coordinates with administrative duties like creating and distributing sales agreements.


Graduated in Sales and Marketing, you have a proven experience of 2 years at least in Tourism Indusry. You should possess a strong level at written and communicational English.

You have excellent communication skills and a persuasive personality. Creative and innovating, you have a strong sense of initiative and you are able to work independently and as part of a team.

Send your application to:

Réf° M077

Titre poste Sales WOMAN
Détails poste
Publiée par Power HR Expetr
Date début
Région Baharaïn
Région Ville -> Tunis
Contrat Type contrat -> CDD
Secteur Secteurs -> Tourisme et restauration