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Power HR Expert - Emploi Tunisie | offres d'emploi tunisie

Proposée par: Power HR Expert

Date de publication: 02-04-2012

Région: Bahraïn


Front Office Manager – Bahraïn

Réf° M076


 Responsible for all duties of the front desk operations: staff training, inter-department communications and staff scheduling.  Usually works a regularly scheduled front desk shift and must be available to work any shift as needed. Monitors Front Office personnel to ensure guests receive warm attention and personal recognition. He attends to crisis or emergency situations and perform service recovery.


Minimum 3-4 years hotel industry experience. Should possess strong written and oral communication skills and demonstrate leadership abilities. Excellent organizational and time management skills, with ability to set priorities for self and others.

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Réf° M076

Titre poste Front Office Manager
Détails poste
Publiée par Power HR Expert
Date début
Région Bahraïn
Région Ville -> Tunis
Contrat Type contrat -> CDD
Secteur Secteurs -> Tourisme et restauration