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Emploi en Tunisie

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شركة صلني - Emploi Tunisie | offres d'emploi tunisie

Proposée par: YASSER

Date de publication: 11-11-2014

Région: Tunis


We received an Inc., a company specializing in information technology-based Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as part of our continuing efforts to develop the team and keep up with the rapid growth of the company,

We're looking for a programmer SharePoint competencies to work in a high branch of the company's branches in Saudi Arabia, and the following conditions apply :

obtained a bachelor's degree (professorship) in Computer or higher

experience of not less than 2 years in programming SharePoint MS SharePoint

good experience in working on ASP.NET

good experience in working on Styles CSS programming and HTML and JavaScript

a great ability to communicate and work in a team

seriousness, commitment, and respect for delivery times


special salary depending on experience

annual increase according to the annual assessment of the employee

stability and promotion of the career ladder

housing allowance

transportation or car allowance

medical insurance

annual ticket


· Fill out the form must be in Arabic only .

· CV Upload file preferably in Arabic or English

· progress is not only for viewing by filling out the form and any other method does not take into account D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%83_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8% A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A9/35
Titre poste Developer SharePoint
Détails poste
Publiée par YASSER
Fonction ingénieur
Date début
Région Tunis
Région Ville -> Tunis
Contrat Type contrat -> CDI
Secteur Secteurs -> Informatique et télécom